Students faces a lot of Challenges when they move toward another level of study. Many of these problems are due to lack of or improper guidance of the academic life, the freedom they get after joining higher educational institutions and peer pressure. Such problems include negative changes in behavior , poor academic performance and moral decay.

To intervene to the above problems An Nahl Trust exercises Best Performers awarding ceremony. The ceremonies are normally conducted immediately after the National examination results have been released. The occasion is then organized to recognize their performances by giving them token prizes and counseling them on what lies ahead of them in terms of studies and social life. Thereafter; we monitor their performance at subsequent levels and mentor them on life skills.

The registered trustees conduct the ceremony every year for form four leavers in Dar Es Salaam Region and Pwani for the purpose of helping the government to solve the challenge of rapid change of the behavior of the youth in the country. While the registered trustees of An-Nahl trust have decided on this approach, they already have other resources to address the said problem, there is one serious challenge to project success, and this is financial resources. The source of finance is very limited particularly for carrying out the activities in implementing the project.


  • Motivating youths to better performance in their career
  • Impart students with study skills, life skills and soft skills
  • Provide counseling and career guidance to the youth
  • Creating mentorship base between An Nahl Trust and youth
  • Establish network between professionals and youth
  • Promoting social and economic status the community


  • Youth will become aware on about the university life.
  • Follow up and mentoring.
  • Improved social economic status of the community and country.
  • Improved capacity of youth.
  • Networking